A loving grandfather has built this amazing replica lamborghini to drive his grandson around in style.

The incredible imitation Italian sports car can even reach 26 mph and only cost £500 to build.

Farmer Guo spent six months tinkering away in his workshop at his home in the Zhengzhou in central China's Henan Province.

And Guo, who is in his 50s, managed to piece together the luxury car from photos he found online.

According to the Zhengzhou Evening News, he bought Lamborghini logos to stick on to the car's hood and steering wheel to give it an authentic feel.
The engine is fitted with five built-in batteries and the miniature Lamborghini has a rear view mirror, a horn, reverse gear and a stereo system.

"It's just a toy for my grandson. But I can drive him to school in it. It's much better than an electric bike," Guo told the newspaper.
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/60116.html
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