Monday 16 February 2015

See Iyanya's Photo That Caused Instagram Meltdown

Yes, social media helps in keeping up with our celebrities, but hey, it also help people pass comments…unwarranted ones!
Sensational singer, Iyanya Onoyom Mbuk, popularly known as Iyanya, has caused Instagram meltdown with a new photo of himself. The 28-year-old MTN Project Fame West Africa 2008 winner got a lot of his followers talking this morning with a particular sexy photo of himself that he posted.

While a lot of his fans came down hard on him, calling him ugly, some called him Tyrone Lannister, the dwarf from Game of Thrones. Some even advised him to take the photo down! See the photo below and see fans’ reaction to it:

The photo that Iyanya posted
The photo that Iyanya posted


It will be recalled that the Calabar-born singer recently reconciled with his former producer, D’tunes.

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