Friday 29 August 2014

Gunmen Kill Couple, Child, Maid In Lagos

Unknown gunmen have invaded an apartment in a block of flats in Unity Estate, Akowonjo area of Egbeda, yesterday, killing the whole family and their maid.
Vanguard reports that the unfortunate incident happened very early yesterday morning, at about 2am. The incidence which put cold shivers on the neighbors and other occupants of the Estate, started with the gunmen, who are suspected to be hired assassins,  shooting sporadically into the air after scaling the fence of the building. It was reported that the gate man was held hostage, beaten beyond recognition but later released and was told to leave the environment at once, threatening to kill him if he dares alert the police.

The armed gunmen however proceeded to the particular flat of this said family, whose names could not be ascertained as at the time this report was filed. According to a witness, who is an occupant of the next flat in the same block, she said that it was the gunshots that woke everyone up, making all occupants to be shivering. She said:  “the gunmen scaled through the fence of the building and held the gateman hostage. “They beat the gate man, tied his hands and asked him to leave the vicinity, threatening to kill him if he alerted the Police. “They, thereafter, made straight for the flat from where we heard argument. We heard the owner of the apartment shouting ‘no, no’. We did not know what the argument was about. The next thing we heard were gun shots, with the victim still shouting ‘no, don’t,’ but the assassins continued to fired intermittently. Sound of the gun shots died down when it was 4 am. But nobody dared to go to the affected flat until daylight.”

It was however  gathered that policemen later arrived and took the corpses away. When the Lagos State Police Command Deputy spokesman, Lelma Kolle, was contacted, he said he was on an official assignment but promised to get back after he would have received details from the Divisional Police Officer under whose juridiction the incident occurred.

It would be recalled that just recently,

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