Friday 22 August 2014

How Nigerian Navy Benefits From Insurgency

In spite of the condemnation that trails the spate of terror attacks perpetrated by the Islamist group Boko Haram since 2009, the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Adesola Amosun, has disclosed that the Nigerian Air Force has actually benefitted from the insurgency.

Amosun, who made this disclosure on Thursday, 21 August, 2014, at the commissioning of the remodelled Oko Barracks Road  in Benin, Edo State said the activities of the dreaded Boko Haram sect has enabled the Nigerian air force to improve its fighting force and skills appreciably‎.
He also stated that Boko Haram insurgency across Nigeria has facilitated the the application of innovative technology on surveillance at designated locations in the country.
“If not for the lives that are really lost due to insurgency, you will see that this insurgency is really out to boost the capabilities of the NAF,” Amosun said.

He ‎also disclosed that insurgency has improved the collaboration among Nigeria’s security agencies, which he said has resulted in reduction of bomb explosions and that it will soon get better.

“As I speak with you now, we have better collaboration and sharing of information. That explains why these bombs that used to explode in major cities and towns have been reduced drastically. Out there in the North-East, it’s going to get better because, we now have common communication,” he said.

Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, while making a speech at the occasion, noted that the federal government was yet to show enough appreciation to the military for paying the supreme prize for the unity of the country.

The governor however gave assurance of his administration’s support in the NAF desire to establish a state of the-art secondary school in the state, adding that the road project which was funded by the state government, was in fulfillment of his electoral promise to NAF whose disposition to residents in the state he said has been wonderful.

The Boko Haram sect has killed thousands of innocent lives in Nigeria since it renewed it insurgency across Nigeria in 2009, according to a recent statement from the United Nations, UN.

The UN report also revealed that tens of thousand of people have been displaced in northeastern Nigeria due to Boko Haram terror attacks.

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