Friday 29 August 2014

Textile Thief Rearrested As He Escaped From Court Cell

A 25-year-old suspected textile thief who yesterday, August 27, escaped from a transit cell at the premises of the Ikeja High Court, Lagos, was caught again.
Photo - textile thief, Friday Onochie
The suspect, Friday Onochie, who was said to have been arraigned for stealing before a magistrate, Mrs. Margaret Dan-Oni, was caught by joint efforts of policemen, prisons officials and members of the public even before he could properly escape from the high court premises.

The suspect, who allegedly stole clothing materials valued at millions of Naira, had pleaded not guilty to the one count charge.

Although he was granted bail by Magistrate Dan-Oni while the matter was adjourned till September 29, 2014, the magistrate had also ordered that he be remanded in prison custody pending the perfection of his bail conditions.

According to eyewitnesses, as the Police prosecutor was formalising the transfer of the suspect to prison officials at the transit cell, the suspect saw an opportunity of the on-going exchange of formalities and took to his heels.

He ran out of the court premises into Oba Akinjobi Way towards Police College in Ikeja G.R.A. When one of the policemen attached to the cell fired a warning shot, the policemen at the gate of the Police College attracted by the shot saw the escapee and handcuffed him.

Efforts to return him to the cell was also met with resistance as he kept shouting: “I have not done anything. I am a cloth seller. I have not eaten for three days.”

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