Thursday 30 October 2014

Keshi Might Return As Super Eagles Coach

Reports circulating in the media allege that former Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi was asked to resume his duties for the AFCON qualifiers.
Stephen Keshi
Stephen Keshi might return
Eagles’ ex Big Boss, whose contract with the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) expired in summer, after the team’s quit from the World Cup tournament, then managed the team for 4 qualifying matches of the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) on the interim basis.

However a day after the the Super Eagles defeated Sudan 3-1 in a must-win match for Nigeria, Keshi was relieved from his job by the NFF led by its new president Amaju Pinnick. The football body appointed former coach Shaibu Amodu in an interim capacity.

Today morning strong indications appeared that Keshi might return for at least 2 November games.
Super Eagles media officer Toyin Ibitoye took to his Twitter account Thursday morning to deliver short breaking news:
Keshi Returns as @NGSuperEagles Coach. confirms with reference to its sources that Keshi was asked to return under the order of President Goodluck Jonathan. provided the same information adding that Jonathan held an emergency meeting with Pinnick last night strongly recommending him to reinstate Keshi as Super Eagles head coach.
The media’s source said:

“I can confirm to you that Stephen Keshi will return as the head coach of the Super Eagles because of the presidential intervention. The president (Jonathan) met with all football stakeholders last night and he told them that Keshi must return as the Super Eagles coach with immediate effect.”

Regarding Amodu who was meant to substitute Keshi, the source said he would “step down”.
The NFF is yet to make an official statement on the matter.
The Super Eagles must win both November encounters, with Congo and South Africa to have a chance of qualifying for the tournament.

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