Friday 24 October 2014

Police Nab 2 For Alleged Murder Of Student, N7m Fraud

The FCT Police Command has arrested two suspects with a spiritualist in connection with alleged murder of a student of Baze University, Abuja, after defrauding him of N7 million.

The Commissioner of Police in the territory, Mr Wilson Inalegwu, announced on Thursday while briefing newsmen on some of the achievements  of the command recently.

Inalegwu said the student, Awwal Umar, a student union leader, 26, was killed at Kankara in Katsina state on Oct. 3.

He said the deceased was lured to Katsina by his neigbhour, who allegedly borrowed the money, but could not repay him.

“On Oct. 2, he (deceased) took his wife to his father’s house, saying he was going to Keffi road (Nasarawa) to buy Sallah ram in the morning.

“In the evening, at about 9.30 pm of same day, he made a phone call that he had bought the ram and was returning home.

“That is the last contact his parents and wife had with him,’’ he said.

The commissioner said that the parents of the deceased, who were worried by his disappearance, claimed to receive a phone call on Oct. 3 from one Sulieman that he had found Umar’s cell phone by his side.

“The man, the deceased, disappeared on Oct. 2 and on Oct. 6, the parents made a report in this command and we got our crack team to investigate the matter.

“From the call log on his phone, we made arrests.

“We discovered that one Abdullahi Bello, who was living in the same house with the deceased, had over a period of time collected N7 million from him,’’ Inalegwu said.

According to him, when the suspect could not pay back the money, he engaged a spiritualist to divert the attention of Umar from demanding for his money.

The commissioner said when that did not work according to plan, the suspect came with another plot that he gave the money to a spiritualist at Kankara in Katsina State.

He said that the suspect lured the deceased to katsina with a promise to recover the money from the spiritualist on the pretext that the spiritualist had doubled the N7 million.

Inalegwu said that the suspect, the spiritualist and another suspect now at large, beat late Umar to death at a stream at Kankara using sticks, clubs, machetes and other weapons.

He said the corpse was exhumed for examination and reburied, adding that the suspects would soon be charged to court.

The commissioner also announced the arrest of five other suspects in connection with armed robbery and house breaking. (NAN)

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