Friday 23 January 2015

6 Operatives Hospitalized After Bauchi Rally Attack

Goodluck Jonathan at Bauchi rally. January 22
Goodluck Jonathan at Bauchi rally. January 22

It should be recalled that the violence started as youths stoned the arrival of President Goodluck Jonathan’s delegation. A crowd that was at first peaceful, turned hostile upon the convoy arrival.

Nigerian Times notes that as soon as the president’s convoy entered the venue, Ibrahim Babangida Square, some youths started throwing stones at it.

Security officers immediately intervened and chased the youths away. However, the atmosphere during the rally was tense, and the event had to be rushed.

Later, some youths managed to come back inside the square as the convoy was leaving and attacked the last bus, carrying the DSS operatives, with a large stone. The stone smashed the windscreen causing various degrees of injuries to six operatives.

The attack victims were rushed to a nearby hospital. It is understood that four of them were soon discharged having undergone minor treatment, while the other two had deep cuts on their heads and needed more extensive treatment.

The incident comes after a similar attack launched on Jonathan’s convoy January 20 in Katsina. Security were forced to use tear gas to disperse the crowd.

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