Wednesday 28 January 2015

Mrs Obama's Attire Attracts Criticisms In Saudi Arabia

United States of America President, Barack Obama was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to pay his last respects to the the late Saudi King, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud who passed on recently.

Barack Obama was accompanied by his wife, Michelle whose attire to the Muslim country caused a frenzy on social media.

As noted by the Associated Press, Michelle Obama did not wear a headscarf or veil to the country. In Saudi Arabia, that’s unusual: The country is one of the few on Earth where women are expected to cover their heads, and most Saudi women wear hijabs.
Saudi Arabia has a strict dress code for women, who are instructed to wear black robes and head coverings at all times in public, though visitors to the country are not required to abide by the dress code.
However, exceptions are made for foreigners, and Mrs. Obama who did wear loose clothing that fully covered her arms – appears to have been one of them.

More than 1,500 tweets using the hashtag #ميشيل_أوباما_سفور (roughly, #Michelle_Obama_unveiled) were sent Tuesday, many of which criticized the first lady. Some users pointed out that on a recent trip to Indonesia, Michelle had worn a headscarf. Why not in Saudi Arabia? they asked.
The response wasn’t entirely negative, Ahram Online notes that some Twitter users said Michelle shouldn’t be criticized too much, it being a short, impromptu trip and all.
See the photos below:
The Obamas being welcomed by the new Saudi King
The Obamas being welcomed by royal officials at the airport
According to, In 2011, when then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Abdullah in New York, she did not cover her face or hair. Nor did then-US first lady Laura Bush during a 2006 visit with Abdullah in Saudi Arabia

The Obamas meet more officials
The Obamas meet more officials
Unconfirmed reports say, Saudi TV blurred Mrs Obama from coverage for not wearing headscarf while the delegation refused to shake hands with her.
The Obamas meet more royal officials at the palace
The Obamas meet more royal officials at the palace
The US First Lady’s office has not released any statement on her attire as at press time.
President Obama meets the new King Salman bin Abdulaziz
President Obama meets the new King Salman bin Abdulaziz

Recall that authorities in Saudi Arabia last week publicly beheaded a woman in Islam’s holy city of Mecca.

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