Friday 23 January 2015

Cowards In Military Stall Anti BH Fight - Col. Dasuki

National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd), said in London that Nigeria’s counter-terrorism campaign is hampered by “cowards” within the military.
Sambo Dasuki
Sambo Dasuki

According to The Nation, Dasuki who spoke January 22 at the Chatham House think-tank in the British capital, insisted:
“Unfortunately, we have a lot of cowards. We have people who use every excuse in this world not to fight.”

He denied allegations that Nigerian army was equipped worse than Boko Haram militants adding that it was another “excuse”.

Dasuki added that reinforcements had been sent to recapture Baga seized earlier this month and claimed in the recent video by the sect leaders (or his impostor), Abubakar Shekau.
To prove his point about the adequate equipment of the army, Col. Dasuki said that the list of weaponry lost in Baga included six armoured cars with 4,000 rounds of heavy ammunition in each, as well as artillery pieces.

“Anyone who is saying that our soldiers are not well armed is not telling the truth. We had a lot of cowards, and it turned out there was a problem in the recruitment process … There were a lot of people who joined because they wanted a job, not because they wanted a career in the military. These are the people who ran away.”

The speaker also criticized army seniors saying that not only soldiers were to blame, but also officers “who have shown very poor judgment” and therefore should be put on trial.

He also had a message for the rank and file:
“If you don’t want to fight, get out of the army. Don’t make excuses, saying that you’re poorly equipped.”

It would be noted that Shekau in the video claimed that the sect had carted away a lot of weapons from Baga. His words were:
“All these arms and ammunition you see in their thousands are gotten from Baga.”

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