Friday 16 January 2015

U.S Congress Urge Obama To Help End Boko Haram Rampage

The lawmakers in Washington are  calling on Barrack Obama’s administration to engage Nigeria in a more serious and sustained military effort to end the Boko Haram rampage.

The U.S Congress in sitting
The U.S Congress in sitting
Their concerns follow the brutal and murderous  rate the Islamist militant group has been steadily gaining ground, inflicting a streak of shocking  atrocities  that have drawn the world’s condemnation.

Fox News Disclosed this yesterday that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, said: “If we don’t stop it in its tracks, we are destined for this horrible group to continue to be in power.”
Reps. Patrick Meehan, and Rep. Peter King have  also written  letters to Secretary of State John Kerry,  calling on the  United States to ”adopt a comprehensive strategy to address Boko Haram’s growing lethality.”

The recent attacks by Boko Haram in the  fishing town of Baga near Lake Chad which claimed the lives of over 2,000 men, women and children and displacing  another 30,000 residents, have drawn the attention of Washington.

Barrack Obama may not intervene in the Boko Haram crisis that easily. This is because of the growing distrust between the U.S. and Nigerian officials due to failed attempts by the Nigerian government to rescue the kidnapped Chibok girls who have been missing since last April.

In December  2014,  the Nigerian government abruptly ended a U.S. effort to train troops to fight Boko Haram, accusing  the Obama administration of not doing enough, which triggered a biting response from the State Department about the Nigerian military’s human rights record. Human rights groups have long accused the military of carrying out killings, committing torture and illegally detaining residents.

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