Monday 12 January 2015

I Know Nigeria's Next President – Matthew Ashimolowo

Nigerian-born senior pastor of London’s Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC); Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo has claimed to know the results of the forth coming presidential election in Nigeria.

Speaking with Nigeria’s Sunday Sun newspaper, Ashimolowo warned of a “shaking of the world” in 2015.
In his words; “For Nigeria, the Lord showed me who will win the election. I will not men¬tion his name, because I have to be politically neutral.”

He however highlighted that in spite of the deep divisions within the country, the country would remain united. “For us to have many nations that make up Nigeria, it was God that made it happen. And that prophetic mandate still remains on Nigeria. Anyone who incites people to divide this nation will lose his chance. Nigeria will remain one.”

He also claimed to know of a future leader who would transform the country, saying: “I see a man who will one day rise, but I don’t know when … He will turn the fortunes of Ni¬geria round. Nigeria will look like one of these advancing nations like United Arab Emirates, India, and China. That is how Nigeria will be.”
Speaking on the Boko Haram insurgency, Ashimolowo said; “Boko Haram is a snake with many heads,” he said. “We are cutting one head, which is why the other head shows up. ” 
''Matthew Ashimolowo''
Matthew Ashimolowo says he knows who Nigeria’s next president is
He called for a “robust approach”, saying: “We need to deal with fifth columnists in the sys¬tem who are empowering them.” Supporters within the country itself were “selling Nigeria to them, giving them petrol, money and ammunition”. He said: “Our prayer should be that our government will be bold enough to indict the fifth columnists, either inside the system or outside the system.”

Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, 62, was born in northern Nigeria, came to England 31 years ago and started KICC 23 years ago. He was in Nigeria hosting the ninth annual event the church has run for widows in his home town of Odeomu in Osun State; around 4,000 will benefit from a distribution of clothing, food and financial assistance.

KICC also supports college students through providing scholarships and has received Nigerian government permission to found a university.

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