Tuesday 27 May 2014

Adamawa University Students Allegedly Targeted By Boko Haram

Adamawa State University officials have been receiving written threats from unidentified sources over the last 2-week period. 
Threatening letter written by suspected Boko Haram insurgents
Photo: Threatening letter written by suspected Boko Haram insurgents. Photo credit: Sahara Reporters
The dire content of the letters substantially raised tension at the campus among the students and the leadership, who believe they were written by Boko Haram. Referring to its source, Sahara Reporters provides that the letters are not fake.

It has been learnt that in fear for their lives many students fled the only hostel, "Barde Hall", available to men. After Saturday night spent be the majority without sleep, the popular "hang-out" hostel became almost empty.

Speaking with the newsmen several students confirmed the information saying that many hostel occupant had left campus for the nearby town seeking for the shelter.

Monday got the remaining occupants even more panic-stricken, when they found the note covered with blood on the wall. Written in Hausa, in translation it read: "Last warning". Horrifically, a piece of flesh was pinned to the note.

The University Vice Chancellor Dr. Alkassum Abba immediately arrived at the institution after having been notified about the incident. The terrified students asked him different questions in connection with the insecurity issues, but found his answers unsatisfactory.

Many students are reportedly packing up to leave the hostel.

It would be recalled that the National Assembly has recently , mostly affected by insurgency, by 6 more months.

People all over the country feel insecure after the bloody attacks launched in the recent two months, including in April and a series of over the last week. 

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