Wednesday 28 May 2014

Cambodian Court Convicts Nigerian, 2 Others For Drug Smuggling

A 23-year-old Nigerian Man identified as Precious Chineme Nwoko, was on Wednesday sentenced to 27 years in imprisonment by a Cambodian court for trying to smuggle illicit drug.
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The court also sentenced two other accomplices- a 41-year-old Australian woman, Ann Yoshe Taylor and a 19-year-old French woman, Charlene Savarino to different jail terms.

Delivering the Judgment at Phnom Penh Municipal Court, judge Kor Vandy said the three defendants were guilty of "cross-border smuggling of illegal drugs".

Vandy, sentenced Savarino to 25 years in prison for her involvement in the shady business while Taylor was jailed for 23 years, and two other Nigerians, who are current at large were each sentenced to 27 years imprisonment in their absence for also involving in the crime.

The convicts, however, refused to speak to newsmen on the court ruling.
Taylor, who is a teacher, was arrested at Phnom Penh International airport in September 2013, with 2.2 kilograms of heroin concealed in her backpack. During trial last month, the two women alleged that the backpack belonged to Savarino's boyfriend Nwoko and that he was sending it to an unidentified man in Australia.

Cambodia government stepped up its fight against illicit drugs as the country was becoming notorious for narcotics smuggling route. The country’s drug war has led to the arrest of hundreds of people including some senior government officials.

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