Wednesday 28 May 2014

Children's Day: Governor Fashola Calls For Release Of Chibok Girls

Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State has called for the release of over 200 schoolgirls abducted by the Boko Haram insurgents since 14 April, 2014 at the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State.
The governor made the plea while speaking during the state’s 2014 Children’s Day celebration in Ikeja.
According to Fashola, it was unfair for the group to continue to hold the girls captive for the agitation they knew nothing about and the demands which they could not meet.
He also urged the terrorists to consider the plea of everyone on the abduction and free the girls without further delay.
* Abducted Chibok Girls
While speaking with the school children who attended the event all dressed in red vests with the inscription “Bring Back Our Girls”, Fashola said the abducted Chibok girls should not demoralise them in pursuing their educational dreams but should give them the courage to move on.

He commended the participating pupils for their empathy for the missing children and the concerns they had shown through the modest celebration.
The governor said the messages on their vests showed that they were conscious of happenings around them and they cared about their abducted colleagues.
* Gov. Fashola, right, wants abducted school girls released
He assured the pupils that the government would do everything to ensure they were not only safe at schools, but they were safe at home and other places.
“You must not be afraid of going to school. I, your governor, your parents, will do everything we can do to ensure that your schools are safe and that you are also safe in your communities,” he said.
Fashola advised the children not to trust strangers and not to accept gifts from people they did not know in order to be safe from kidnappers.
He stated that security was everybody`s business and called on parents to always monitor their children’s movements and be around them always.
It could be recalled that the Federal Government has said it would not negotiate with the Boko Haram insurgents over the release of the kidnapped schoolgirls.
More than seven weeks after their abduction, the schoolgirls are yet to be rescued despite international communities' pledge to assist Nigeria to rescue the girls.

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