Tuesday 27 May 2014

Governor Ajimobi Declares Free Medical Treatment

Governor of Oyo State, westerrn Nigeria, Abiola Ajimobi has declared free medical service for the elderly in the state.
While receiving leaders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church led by Pastor Oyeleke Owolabi in his office on Monday, the governor stated that citizens who are 65 years and above will soon start enjoying free medical service.
He also stated that other categories of people would also have the opportunity of visiting designated hospitals for free medical treatment.
Gov. Abiola Ajimobi
According to him, the services are part government’s comprehensive health insurance scheme the government planned to launch soon.
“The scheme, which will be the first of its kind in the state, is part of government’s determination to make the people live a healthy and longer life,” he said.
Ajimobi opined that students in the state would soon enjoy free food and uniforms in the state.
The governor commended the Seventh Day Adventist Church for its service to humanity, noting that it had always been at the forefront of social, economic, intellectual and moral development of the state.
Ajimobi said the government was committed to maintaining the culture of obedience, decency and integrity with a view to discouraging impunity.

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