Tuesday 27 May 2014

Teacher-Rapist Says One Girls Made Advances At Him

School teacher  said one of the girls "made advances" at him.
Olayinka Oluwadare Folarin
Photo: Olayinka Oluwadare Folarin
The 38-year-old father of four was quoted saying by Vanguard:
"One of them made advances at me. You know how children play with you in a funny way. This thing is beyond me."

Attributing his actions to the demonic attacks he said he had felt bad ever time he committed the crime but could do nothing to stop himself.

Speaking with journalists and police he lamented however:
"Why don’t you find a way of helping me. Is this meant to expose me?.. The person who has not sinned before should cast the first stone."

Folarin claimed in tears he is a different person now.

The suspect narrated how he had led his victims to the toilet and put them in the wash hand basin and then fondled their private parts. He however denied penetrating with his manhood, while the medical examination showed the girls' hymen was not intact.

Based on the testimony provided by all the victims, Folarin had been abusing them twice a week since last year.

The case was transferred to the state Police headquarters for further investigation.

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