Wednesday 28 May 2014

Nigeria Without Entertainers

They sometimes leave you hanging. Most often, you’re rattled and ranting. You occasionally cheer and you’re quick to jeer them too.
They bring you smiles and frowns. But, they’re worth it.
Nigerian Artistes

In the facing of our unending national woes, our entertainers seem to be our only ray of hope. Arguably, they’re the only good news coming out from the shores of the most populous black nation on earth.

To the right is Nollywood, and maybe for starters too. Nollywood has grown into amazing world record beaters. From relative obscurity to the world’s finest success story. An aside, Nollywood may as well be showing our uninspiring leaders the way to travel. And it is not hard to see. Granted, Nollywood may be filled with anything but professionalism, it has given the world some of its finest talent in the movie world. From the amiable Genevieve Nnaji, the delectable Omotola Jalade Ekeinde to the refreshing Ramsey Nouah, among others.There’s no denying that Nollywood remains one of Nigeria’s biggest export.
How about our musical artistes? The amazing exploits of our artistes is indescribable. They’ve sure given us more than we can contain. Across the continent and beyond, our musical artistes reign. From Cape to Cairo, they’re in charge. They headline all continental shows, and the awards never stop pouring in. Arguably, we have some of the continents finest in Tuface Idibia, D’banj, Asa, Wizkid among others. Even more endearing is their conscious music. If only our uninspiring leaders would listen!

Our comedians are not left behind with their ingenuity and creativity; they’ve devised means to keep us up from our unending woes. Tired of the madness? Attend the comedy show in town! This will soothe you. Today, our comedians are blazing the trail in the continents comedy industry. They’re no doubt talented and readily make themselves the butt of their jokes…if that will make you smile. Some of these talents include the revolutionary AliBaba, Basketmouth, I Go Dye, Gordons among others.

We may not be getting the right inspiration from our leaders. But our entertainers are doing their bit.
What will Nigeria be without them?

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