Tuesday 27 May 2014

PDP Strikes Back At APC, States Power Comes From God

The war of words between the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) continued on May 26, 2014, Monday.

* President Goodluck Jonathan steps out in PDP colours during a political rally
In a press statement, signed by the National Publicity Secretary of the ruling party, Olisa Metuh, the PDP alerted that the multiple vituperations, lies, insults and other schemes by the opposition force #1 against President Goodluck Jonathan and his administration were a part of a big plot to cause confusion and to damage the democracy in Nigeria.

The PDP accused their worst political enemies in insulting Nigerians directly and for showing contempt to democratic principles and promoting Janjaweed ideology.

The statement expressed surprise that respected and wise APC elders showed themselves in a very unpatriotic way, “blinded by narrow pursuit of power”.

The PDP explained that it was an unacceptable move by the opposition to contact foreign media and make them write negative stories about the Federal Government. The ruling party further added that the APC had realised that they had not chance in the upcoming 2015 general elections.

For this reason, the opposition force displayed its weakness and true face by ridiculing the Presidency, poisoning the minds of people and inciting them against the government.

The statement further expressed concern that the APC did not support strategies offered by President Jonathan in the ongoing anti-terrorist campaign, feared that the final goal of the opposition party may be mayhem and confusion in 2015.
“Let it be known to the APC that power belongs only to God and that those who denigrate and disrespect authority at any level will never be entrusted with it.
“The APC must realize that they have started irritating Nigerians. As a ruling party, we charge them to show maturity and shed their penchant for lies, deceit and unnecessary attacks on well meaning individual, government officials and institutions,” the statement concluded.
It would be added that the present statement comes as the response to the for anything. This message was the reaction by the opposition on poor presidential response to the pleas and questions made by participants of massive

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