Wednesday 28 May 2014

We Should Not Talk Ill Of Our Leaders – Patience Jonathan

Nigerian First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan today asked the nations citizens to throw their full support to the Nations Military as they battle Islamic terrorist Boko Haram.

Jonathan was speaking at the National Children’s Day Celebration held at the State House in Abuja, She also asked the members of the insurgents to release the kidnapped girls from Chibok.

She asked Nigerians to put away their differences and unify to fight the sect, she said: We should encourage our soldiers who are in the frontline to rescue our beloved daughters.

“Our men are defending you and I; we should pray for them and encourage them. “Some of them have lost their lives in serving their fatherland, why can’t we join them in prayers at this period?” Jonathan asked.
She asked her fellow countrymen to stop speaking ill of the nations leaders and respect them, she said: “God has commanded us to pray for them, therefore, it is our responsibility as citizens to pray, especially for the development of the nation.’’

When presented with a letter written by the children for Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau asking him to release the over 200 girls abducted by his sect in chibok, the First lady told the kids she doesn't know where Shekau is hiding but she will hand over the letter to the National Security Adviser or the Chief of Defence Staff.

She said: “Let me thank the children that gave me letter to give Boko Haram. Well, I have received your letter, but I’m not the one to give it to Boko Haram because I don’t know Boko Haram and I have never seen Boko Haram. But I will give it to NSA or Chief of Defence Staff who will submit your letter accordingly.”

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