Wednesday 28 May 2014

Chibok Girls: Chukwumerije Blasts CDS For Disclosing Military Secret

Senator Uche Chukwumerije, Chairman, Senate Committee on Education has condemned the Chief of Defence Staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, for revealing that the military has located where the over 234 Chibok girls that were kidnapped on April 14 by Boko Haram is being held captive.
Senator Uche Chukwumerije
*Senator Uche Chukwumerije
Speaking to newsmen on Tuesday in Abuja, Chukwumerije insisted that such information should have remained a classified military secret.

The senator, who personally blamed Badeh for disclosing what the military considered as a secrete to the public said: “I am very much elated by the news that the location of our girls is now known to the army. But like the rest of the nation, especially observers, I am puzzled by one phrase, according to the military spokesman; their location is a military secret.

“Now what puzzles me is simply this: why do you make public what you consider a military secret? As you are announcing the location or your discovery of the location of these girls, the news is being known to those holding them captive.
“And you think they are going to stay there and wait for you until you come to locate the girls and take them away?

“This puzzles me because we know in all American military operations you don’t hear a word about that until after their mission is accomplished.

“The next you will hear is that their mission has been accomplished. When the leader of Al Qaeda was dealt with, we know how it was done.

“Nobody even had a wind of what was going on until it was completed. So, let us hope and pray that if the news of the location of the girls is true that the enemy is not sufficiently warned to move before our men would strike” Chukwumerije said.

Senator Victor Ndoma – Egba, the Senate Leader also pleaded with the Islamist sect members to free the abducted Chibok girls in the spirit of the Children’s Day.
Meanwhile, the over 234 kidnapped female students have been in captivity for over 40 days now.  

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