Thursday 18 December 2014

Rapists Will Undergo Psychiatric Tests - Manko

The newly reintroduced Gender Desk in the Nigeria Police Force will come as a relief for persons who have been battered.

This assurance was given by the Assistant Inspector General of Police in charge of the Zone 2 police command  Onikan Lagos in an exclusive interview .
AIG Manko  stated that the  Gender Desk will address issues of domestic violence and other related crime  as he also applauded the Inspector General of Police Mr. Suliaman Abba for reintroducing  the Desk , stating that  the police in the Zone 2 Police command have received specialized training to boost the fight against gender- based violence  and rape .
Mr. Manko  said  “Establishing the Gender Desk is a directive and a mandate from the IGP. Essentially, the Gender desk will take care of issues that concern both men and women. Some people think that Gender is all about women but Gender also involves men. Already, the two state commands, Lagos and Ogun states have  complied with the IGP’s order.
Issues like domestic violence against men and women in Lagos and Ogun States will be handled by the Gender Desk. In some cases, you find out that the woman is stronger and she  can beat up   the man so the gender desk will address this issue too. Issues like rape, defilement , molestation among others will be pursued vigorously by the Desk. The Gender Desk in the Zone is to coordinate the activities of the Gender Desks  in the state commands and we are prepared to carry out this function .

Concerning the  rising cases of rape and defilement AIG Manko  said  “The psychologists  will be in a better position to tell us why certain people engage in this act . I wonder  what is attractive in a five –year- old girl that a man of  60 will defile her . Apart from it being criminal, I feel anybody caught in that act should be made to undergo psychiatric testing.  When I was working in Kastina State, the issue was very rampant even among  prominent persons but what I did was to start exposing them so that their social status was threatened. I found out that threatening  to expose them in the media worked. It reduced drastically the cases of rape and defilement and
many of  them stopped after they were exposed” .

Rape is becoming a very rampant vice in Nigeria. A poll was recently released that revealed that every third Nigerian personally knows someone who was a victim of rape. However, fear is one of the main reasons why a great number of rape cases remain unreported.

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